728x90 반응형 BIG DATA43 kafka prosumer (Python), consumer(C++) 샘플소스 소스 # pip install confluent-kafkafrom confluent_kafka import Producerimport jsonproducer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': ''})topic_name = "quickstart-events"message = { "code": "A005930", "code_name": "삼성전자", "price": 53700}# message를 JSON 문자열로 변환하고 UTF-8로 인코딩message_json = json.dumps(message).encode('utf-8')producer.produce(topic=topic_name, value=message_json)producer... 2024. 12. 26. WSL2 에서 KAFKA 설치및 테스트 설치과정이 모두 동일하기 때문에 WSL2가 특별히 중요한게 아니다.=======================================================================================01. 다운로드 https://kafka.apache.org/downloadsScala 2.13 - kafka_2.13-3.9.0.tgz (asc, sha512) 02. 압축풀기-> root 계정으로 해야 함 /home/goldencrab/kafka_2.13-3.9.0 03. 사용할 수 있는 언어들 https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Clients04. kafka 기동 ===> 한글이 깨지지 않도록 하려고 하는데....kafka에.. 2024. 12. 24. NiFi Registry https://nifi.apache.org/registry.html Apache NiFi Registry Copyright © 2023 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Apache, the Apache feather logo, NiFi, Apache NiFi and the project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. nifi.apache.org 2023. 11. 13. 임팔라 SQL 언어 레퍼런스 https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/6/6.3/topics/impala_langref.html Impala SQL Language Reference | 6.3.x | Cloudera Documentation Impala uses SQL as its query language. To protect user investment in skills development and query design, Impala provides a high degree of compatibility with the Hive Query Language (HiveQL): Because Impala uses the same metadata store as Hive to reco.. 2023. 11. 10. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 11 다음 728x90 반응형