728x90 반응형 BIG DATA/Impala3 임팔라 SQL 언어 레퍼런스 https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/6/6.3/topics/impala_langref.html Impala SQL Language Reference | 6.3.x | Cloudera Documentation Impala uses SQL as its query language. To protect user investment in skills development and query design, Impala provides a high degree of compatibility with the Hive Query Language (HiveQL): Because Impala uses the same metadata store as Hive to reco.. 2023. 11. 10. 임팔라 소스 아직도 개발이 진행되는지는 모르겠음. https://github.com/cloudera/Impala/ GitHub - cloudera/Impala: Real-time Query for Hadoop; mirror of Apache Impala Real-time Query for Hadoop; mirror of Apache Impala - GitHub - cloudera/Impala: Real-time Query for Hadoop; mirror of Apache Impala github.com 2023. 11. 10. 임팔라 샘플 소스 한빛 출판사 "처음 시작하는 임팔라:SQL로 하둡을 다루는 가장 쉬운 방법" 참고함. https://github.com/max-webster/get-started-impala GitHub - max-webster/get-started-impala: This is the example code repository for Getting Started with Impala by John Russell (O' This is the example code repository for Getting Started with Impala by John Russell (O'Reilly Media) - GitHub - max-webster/get-started-impala: This is the example code re.. 2023. 11. 10. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형